College for

Veterinary Medicine –
Theme Courses

Theme courses focus on individual topics and last from two to six hours. These include major topics such as laser acupuncture, a special form of combination therapy of PBM according to the energetics of TCM.

Laser Acupuncture for Dogs and Cats

The most important points for diagnosis and for therapy: For all, who want to learn dog laser acupuncture and for all, who still feel unsecure in finding the exact location of the acupuncture points.

Peter Rosin, Erhan Gökdag

Equine Acupuncture and Laser Therapy on the horse

Peter Rosin shows all tips and tricks for the fast, safe localization of the most important points on the horse.

The treasure of Nogier frequencies

This online course is suitable for human and veterinary therapists alike. It consists of two parts of approximately equal length, between which you should allow yourself a few weeks to practice.

The RAC / The VAS

Can you learn the RAC/ the VAS via an online course?
We say: Yes, definitely!

COLLL sponsorship vouchers for theme courses

Want to buy a themed course for friends, colleagues or employees? This is now possible through our sponsorship vouchers, which can be easily transferred to other people and redeemed in any other Elopage customer account.